The Archbishop of Sydney's Christmas Message of 2011

Christmas is our big annual reminder of the generous love of God. When Jesus was born, it was God himself entering our story to rescue us from sin.

Some people just can’t stand the fact that he is the most important person in history and our whole dating system revolves around his birth. They even want to change the language to write him out….

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Anglican Church of Australia, Anglican Provinces, Christmas, Church Year / Liturgical Seasons

One comment on “The Archbishop of Sydney's Christmas Message of 2011

  1. MichaelA says:

    [blockquote] Some people just can’t stand the fact that he is the most important person in history and our whole dating system revolves around his birth. They even want to change the language to write him out. [/blockquote]
    There is yet another attempt being made in educational systems over here to make use of “BCE” and “CE” mandatory, instead of “BC” and “AD”. Its all very juvenile – exactly the same dating system in each case based on an assumed birth of Jesus Christ, but the liberals want to do away with the long-established BC and AD because they are threatened by any reference to Christ, however oblique.

    Its the age-old story – threatened and insecure people do foolish things, in this case trying to do away with BC and AD. Good on the archbishop for calling it out.